10 Alternative Baby Shower Gifts that Mamas will truly Appreciate

October 09, 2015

 10 alternative baby shower gifts that mamas will truly appreciate


Whether your friend is having a low-key shower, a big party with games involving icky diapers or a Blessingway complete with flower-crowns, the chances are you will want to take a gift.

But there are only so many baby-grows, bottles of baby bath and tiny hats that a baby needs, so take a look at our list of ideas for unique gifts for that special mama-to-be.


  1. Set up and organize a meal train. New mums have a need to eat nutritious, warming foods to keep their energy up for breastfeeding and to help their bodies to recover from pregnancy and birth, but this need is often difficult to balance with the time spent bonding and baby-mooning. So, why not gift the mama a promise of two weeks’ worth of meals delivered discreetly to her door by friends and relatives. You can make organisation a little easier by using this site. https://www.mealtrain.com/


  1. Postpartum Herbal Bath. A lot of the big name brands contain all kinds of chemicals that are the last thing a new mum wants to put on her body. How about getting her some beautifully scented and healing natural bathing herbs. You can buy them here http://earthmamaangelbaby.com/products/postpartum-bath-herbs or you could even try making your own, this article has some nice ideas. http://www.midwiferytoday.com/articles/herbspostpartumcare.asp


  1. Umbilical cord ties. Those clips that the hospital put on babies’ cords are unwieldy and made from hard plastic. Why not buy or make some pretty cord ties? You could make mama a matching bracelet too. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/125341215/new-baby-umbilical-cord-ties?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=cord%20ties&ref=sr_gallery_3


  1. A journal to record her birth story in. Newborn babies sleep a lot and new mamas should be encouraged to spend time resting and not rushing around taking care of chores. Buy a beautiful blank journal and some nice pens and encourage her to write her birth story as a keepsake for years to come.


  1. In the days before her baby arrives, many women find themselves feeling less than beautiful, when in fact they are at their most stunning. Help to remind her of the innate beauty of mothers with this stunning book of photos, all taken within 24 hours of the subject having given birth. http://www.hoxtonminipress.com/products/one-day-young-photo-book-5


  1. A good sling or carrier can make all the difference to the life of a new mum, with studies showing that carried babies cry less, sleep better and that babywearing can even help with postnatal depression. There are a lot of slings and carriers out there to try. The Babywearing association for your country should be a good place to ask for advice about buying a reputable carrier. https://www.facebook.com/CDNBabywearingSchool, http://www.slingpages.co.uk/, http://babywearinginternational.org/


  1. Some warm and cozy bedsocks for mama. After every birth, whether I’ve had a summer or winter baby, I have always had cold feet. Some gorgeous, hand-knit socks are a little luxury that others might not have thought of, but that will be a guaranteed hit. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/120158041/hand-knit-lace-socks-wool-socks-lace?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=wool%20bed%20socks&ref=sr_gallery_3


  1. A post-natal doula. In those days when you are first at home with a new baby absolutely everything can seem daunting. A few days where a post-natal doula can pop in for a few hours can be a life-saver for a family. Club together with a few friends to fund this really special gift for a new mum. The best way to find a doula is to ask locally for recommendations and set up a few meetings where the mama-to-be can find someone whom she feels comfortable with.


  1. I have read so many parenting books over the years and, of course, none of them have the answers, but this book has never failed to make me feel confident in my mothering. It’s not an advice book, but a reminder of how much we all do as mothers and how we should all recognize our successes. http://www.amazon.com/What-Mothers-Especially-Looks-Nothing/dp/1585425915/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443389996&sr=8-1&keywords=naomi+stadlen


  1. A MamAmor Doll. Our dolls make wonderful baby shower gifts, many mamas place them in their birth space to remind themselves of how strong and amazing they are. Our dolls are all unique, just like every pregnancy and birth is unique and as baby grows up they can become a wonderful way of telling your child the story of their birth. www.mamamordolls.com


Victoria Machin - UK




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