
"My name is Heather Tenbroeck. My absolutely amazing husband purchased a doll for me last year for our 2nd wedding anniversary. I had fallen in love with your dolls and thought they were so beautiful and such a great teaching tool. I am an RN who hopes to one day become a mid-wife and do home births. I can see your dolls being such a fantastic tool in this area.

When he purchased Heather for me we were pregnant with our first biological child together and planning a home birth in water. I wanted the doll to be able to show our two youngest daughters what birth is like before they were present for the birth of their sibling.

I was so surprised when I received his gift. Heather is gorgeous! I cried tears of joy when I received her. I couldn't believe all he had done to get her for me and how sweet you were to work with. I used Heather to teach our daughters about birth and what they could expect. They loved Heather and played with her for hours while asking questions about birth, the placenta, the umbilical cord, nursing, and how the baby comes out of the Mama. It was so wonderful to have my sweet doll to be able to show them and teach them.Thank you again for all you did to make this possible"

Heather Tenbroeck


"We have given Arianna a lovely home in Amsterdam! Thank you so much for creating this beautiful doll for us. My 23mo daughter and our 4yo house guest are enjoying playing with her immensely! My mother (Sandy in SC, USA) ordered her as a gift to myself so I could teach my daughter about childbirth in preparation for our new baby in January. But I also had plans to use her for my work as a doula. However, she has become loved so much, I might have to order another mama for my work in a year or so. :) Thank you again!! We are really happy with your dolls!"

Katie Tighe


"These dolls are amazing, beautiful, and perfect for teaching! I've given minis and baby dolls to my daughter and granddaughter. They love playing with them and lovin on the babies. My office has many dolls in it and I get questions about them all the time. I love using the dolls for sibling, child birth, lactation and baby wearing classes. Wonderful investment! Highly recommended for educators and gifting. Amazing customer service!"

Jessica Robinson 


“MamAmor dolls are beautiful made with so much heart and soul put into them. They engage my children and are so lovely to hug and hold. They are made to educate if you so desire but they are also so well crafted that they can be played with and loved. My family loves having our MamAmor Family from a PapAmor, children and our two MamAmor mommas with the babies. MamAmor has most highly recommended customer service with a heart and we proudly support this wonderful company!”

Cassandra Abbenbroek     



“Mamamor dolls provide a beautiful and fun way to normalize pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. Great for adults and children alike. Thanks Adriana! http://www.sarahbuckley.com/

Dr. Sarah Buckley  



“My first MamAmor was for my eldest daughters 10th birthday. I love the fact these dolls are all individual, handmade by another WAHM and their educational use too. My second and third MamAmor dolls were for my 2nd and 3rd daughters on their 1st birthdays. I realized all my children had their own doll except for my boy, and I couldn’t have him missing out!! So I asked Adriana if she could make a doll just like my boy, which she did and he has loved him from the moment he saw him, probably even more than the girls do!! I am also a WAHM and when Adriana began making the dolls available to wholesale I couldn’t pass up the chance to have them on my website!! Being able to bring the dolls to Australia to give others the chance to have their own MamAmor to love is awesome!!
Adriana has done such a lovely job creating these gorgeous Mamas and making them available to people worldwide. Love your work Adriana!!”




“MamAmor Dolls are exquisitely handcrafted works of art. Pictures do them no justice, as they are much lovelier in person than any photograph can capture. These dolls are heirloom quality, sure to hold up for generations if treated with care.

As a Doula, Childbirth Educator and Student Midwife, I have found these dolls to be quite useful in my practice. Some of my clients have used the dolls to explain the birth process to their children and to share the story of their child’s/children’s birth with them. I’ve used the dolls to demonstrate what position their baby is in, and each of my clients have enjoyed holding the dolls and playing with their hair.

My children ADORE our dolls and still play with them (even after nearly 3 years!). One of their favorite activities is to play “Mama dolls”. I am proud to teach my children about birth and breastfeeding. It is my hope that, when grown, they believe in their own body’s ability to give birth and nourish their children, and that they are not fearful of the process.

To me, these dolls are the epitome of childbirth, motherhood and the sacred relationship between mother and baby. I am thrilled to have these dolls and I look forward to passing them down in my family for generations to come”

The Childbearing Year

Kylie Davis    



“I remember the first time I saw the Mamamor dolls. It is difficult to describe the overwhelming connection I made to these incredibly beautiful mamas. Since that time I have witnessed others having that same kind of response. I have encouraged midwives to have them on hand for therapeutic use. Women seem to open up about their births in such a peaceful way when they are holding these dolls. Then there is the fabulous opportunity for education for young girls. My granddaughters watch the website for new mamas. We love them all.”

Ancient Art Midwifery Institute

Trust Birth Initiative

 Carla Hartley



"I just wanted to say a huge, no, a massive thank you for our beautiful Rosie.  She is truly amazing.  I have always loved dolls but she is just special.  I held my breath when I opened the box and I was so overwhelmed with her beauty.  Hugging her, I felt a true bond - just what I needed. So thank you Adriana from the bottom of my heart."
Louise Musson 



"She's here and she's utterly gorgeous!  I have two nosy little people here so I was only able to sneak a quick peek but I was very careful with the silver ribbon and lilac tissue paper because I want Willow to get her just as beautifully packaged as she arrived. Everything is lovely, mama, baby, her wonderful hair, dress, shoes, baby's nappy and blanket, sunglasses, jacket, nappy bag, hairband, ring sling and filling the nappy bag with lollipops is a touch Willow will really appreciate.  I think she is wonderful and the amount of work that has gone into her is amazing. I'll be sure to let you know Willow's reaction when she gets her.  Thank you so, so much."

Heather Chinn


"I am so impressed with Pandora! She is so much more than I could have imagined! Wow! She is a gift for my preceptors who have mentored me for this, my final year with the Midwifery Education Programme. She is sure to have a great home in the clinic room, for expectant mommas, siblings and family to teach, inspire and love. Thank you all, truly amazing!  I would love to order another doll down the road."
Marissa Kayte Charbonneau 



"Thank you again for your wonderful work in providing a beautiful doll that represents a womans natural life-giving ability.  I hope to raise a son that understands, supports and honours the pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding experience - just like my husband.  Little mama will be well loved. Thank you."  

Erin McDonough   



“Our daughter Abby (now 4) has had her MamAmor doll for a couple years now.  I am a birth doula and a fellow doula friend has the dolls for both her daughters and I loved the idea and got one for Abby when she was about a year and a half, when she started to like dollies. She loves to put it in her little play stroller and make the baby try and breast feed on the mommy.  Now that we are expecting another baby, due to arrive in about 6 weeks, I brought it out again for her to play with. I attached the placenta and umbilical cord (had it put away so it didn’t get lost) on now so she can see how baby is attached to mommy.  We also have a book called What’s In Your Tummy, Mommy? by Abby Cocovini, that helps her see how baby grows inside mommy, what baby does at certain stages and how the placenta works, so it works great combined with her MamAmor doll! I love the MamAmor dolls, they are beautifully crafted dolls and are a great tool to help kids learn about the normalcy of pregnancy, birth and breast feeding; especially in our society where it’s not widely discussed in many families.  Thanks to Adriana and her team for making these wonderful dolls!!”

Marcy Blaney  



“My daughter and I so enjoy our Mamamor dolls.  Each doll is so unique and has her own personality.  I appreciate their resilient construction from natural materials–this adds to their beauty and ensures they will last generations.  I take pride in providing my daughter with such a beautiful and fun way to learn about women’s bodies and the wonder of motherhood.  I also use these dolls in my local pregnancy and parenting group to demonstrate the basic positions baby makes in birth, breastfeeding, and baby wearing. Mamamor dolls aren’t just beautiful (though they certainly are that) they are also practical and fun for the whole family”.  

Kelvington Birth Matters 

Kate Althouse   



"To the MamAmor Team, 

What an efficient, well-run and admirable business you have. 

I can't thank you enough for creating a much-needed business whereby people can buy a high quality, made -to-order MamAmor birthing, breastfeeding and baby-wearing doll at a reasonable cost. 

Adriana has been great on helping me make the right choices in regards to custom options & extras available in personalising our multiple dolls. 
Even with some rather complicated 'extra instructions' the order was handcrafted with an exquisite attention to detail and arrived in an astonishingly short time. 

As a Montessori Teacher & Child Psychologist, the MamAmor dolls are a great educational tool to demonstrate natural birth, breastfeeding and bonding. They have also helped prepare some of my charges for the arrival their new sibling. The MamAmor dolls make fantastic toys as well as a great resource for play therapy.

I will be sure to use your business again in the near future. 
Congratulations to everyone involved!"

Adriana Zuniga 
Sydney, Australia.  



 "Lynnea loves Eve so much, she's so beautiful! She's been playing with her constantly... I'm so glad we found your dolls, you have a real gift!"
Lori Beth


"Adriana, It's late here so this will be short, but I had to let you know that I had my amazing MamAmor waiting when I got home tonight! I personally couldn't wait until morning to open the box, so we got her out immediately. I had hoped my daughter would be excited, and boy, was she excited! She pulled her from the box, exclaimed "It's my mommy!" and had to see the baby eat "mommy milk" right away. You probably hear this from every mama who receives a doll, but you have no idea how much I appreciate her! We were only able to play with her a few minutes because of it being late, but my daughter is very excited to see the baby come from mommy's belly, and can't stop saying how beautiful she is. I can't wait to spend more time with her preparing for the birth of our little one.  Thank you again for being so patient with me and working so hard on this beautiful MamAmor! 

Brittany Groll



 "My little boy (who will be 2 in 2 weeks) carries the baby in his cupped hands bouncing it up and down to sooth it :D Yesterday he asked we where the placenta was gone (I had it on the counter), he attached it to the baby and squeezed it to get the food out :D 

Obviously a huge success!!! Thanks again for everything and also for the gift of the sling, you are so good"

Grace Driscoll   



"I just recently purchased a VBAC Mamamor doll named Marjorie. She is gorgeous, well made and has such wonderful features that make her utterly unique. I am a doula and I will be using her as a teaching aid to show my clients children how their siblings will come into the world. Marjorie and all the other female Mamamor dolls help to normalize, birth, breastfeeding and babywearing all while being the perfect doll for young children (and adults) to love. Thank you for making such amazing dolls!"
Tara Howard  



"Thank you so much! I've been watching all day. :) I just ordered her. I can't wait! Thank you so much for your awesome customer service. I will be sure to share my positive experience with my fellow doulas and childbirth educators. You rock!' -Melissa Kosloski-     



"Adriana, Thank you so much for our beautiful mama and baby. I have to say, after holding her and seeing the quality and work that has gone into her, I feel I've had a complete bargain!!! She is amazing!!!  You are a true artist."

Sarah Knight    



"I felt like a little girl today opening up my new MamAmor Doll, Marly!! She's beautiful!!! I will love her for many, many years to come!! I am a doula and childbirth educator and she is my new mascot! Thank you for such lovely creations ♥" 



"I just received my Mama in the mail today, and all I can say is, WOW. There is absolutely no way to grasp the beauty and quality of these dolls until you hold one in your hands. It is apparent that each one has a lot of love put into it. So incredibly blessed to own one!"

Lily May West     



"My daughter is in total awe!! She has not let her Mama and bub leave her side since she got it..and keeps taking my hand and looking up to thank me for her, and tell me how much she loves her. This child is 3 years old!!! I have never seen her quite like this before. The pictures do not do your work justice. These dolls are so amazing, and so gorgeous. Everyone who has met Mama on our travels today has commented on her cool hair and clothes...and then my daughter does a birth demonstration..lol....I cannot express how happy we are with our custom order, and we are just so grateful to have something so special and made with such love. Thank you so much."

Carly Owen



"She just arrived, and Is beautiful!! I must tell you that as a mom of 3 boys, ages 5, 3 and 1, The doll was for me. I've been pregnant or breastfeeding for the last 6 years now, and because we're not trying for another ( On the fence) I think I needed something to help me to transition into my changing role as a mama. That being said, my boys literally stole her from me within minutes, and my 5 year old asked "please Mama can I play with her?"  I said " yes, but you need to treat her gently. she has a baby in her belly you know..." well that was it- I showed him the baby, the placenta and cord, how she can feed the baby, and hold him. He just said " Wow! Cool! she can do all that with those things?" ( He meant the snaps). He's cuddling with her on the couch, watching Dora. I think it just helped me realize that I've done a decent job of showing them by example how normal and wonderful birth and breastfeeding is.  I'm sure the firetrucks and trains will be out again in a few hours, but right now, they think she's pretty special too.Thanks again!"
Erin Morehouse



"ADRIANA!!!! SHE'S HERE!!!! I don't even know where to begin to describe how I feel! Reminiscent of how I felt in 1982 when I got my first cabbage patch kid! The pictures do NOT do these ladies justice. My daughter has 4 waldorf dolls, all from the same etsy maker & each of them made me smile when they arrived, also beautiful craftsmanship. But this is by far the greatest doll ever! I'm not emotional in fact my husband says I'm "a-motional" lol & she made me cry tears of happiness! I especially don't get wishy washy over material possessions. Maybe bc I've been admiring your dolls for 5 years but I would venture to say I'm your most satisfied customer ever! I'm so glad I got the mini, she's the perfect size for my daughter. Thank you a million times over! & thank you for the cord & placenta!!!"

Karen Maratea



"I received sweet Juniper yesterday. She is already being loved on. I almost cried when I saw that she and I share the same birthday!  How special!  And thank you for the darling ear bud sleeves. I will be using those in my doula bag and they match my branding perfectly! Thank you so much! Blessings"

Amy Welborn



"My son is almost five and prefers animals over dolls, no matter how
gender-neutral I try to be about it.  As soon as I found out we were
expecting a baby brother, I knew I wanted to explain birth to him
matter-of-factly and naturally, and I wanted to give him a toy to act
it out himself if he wanted.  When he received his MamAmor doll, that
all changed.  He was very interested in learning about how the baby
emerges.  He knows about the placenta and the "umbility cord," as he
calls that lifeline between mother and baby.  He also loves the
breastfeeding aspect of the dolls, because he knows that I fed him
breastmilk when he was younger.  He has played with this doll more
than he has ever played with any other dolls.  Buying the doll and
talking with Adriana, the owner of the site, was a very pleasant
experience.  She was very patient with my many questions and very
accommodating of my request.  I will surely return to this store in
the future".

Kristen Witucki


 Unboxing a MamAmor Doll by Alice from YourDoulaBag.com


 Unboxing two Mommy MamAmor Doll Family