March 19, 2020


Happy WORLD DOULA WEEK 2020!✨✨✨ ⁣

This year in particular, we want to honor these amazing Birth worker Heroes with some extra treats from all of us at MamAmor.⁣

We are very grateful for the love and care you provide to families and babies around the world, we truly treasure you Dear Doulas ✨✨✨⁣

Until March 28th, if you are a Doula, or a Student Doula, you can get...⁣

✨Treat 1:⁣

Doula Dolls + Accessories ⁣
$40 Off ⁣
Use code DOULA-DOLL-2020⁣

✨Treat 2:⁣

Classic Birthing and Breastfeeding Dolls, and VBAC Dolls⁣
$70 Off ⁣
Use code WDW-2020⁣

✨Treat 3: ⁣

Breastfeeding Baby Doll Puppet Set ⁣
$25 Off ⁣
Use code⁣ BF-BABY-SET⁣


🎁 A Surprise Gift for Doulas that will go inside each doll box 🎁⁣

These offers don't include: Personalize Dolls, Custom Dolls, or Dancing for Birth Dolls.⁣

If you are not a Doula, but you want to send any of these gifts to a Doula, feel free to use the codes and send us a note with your purchase.⁣

✨✨Happy World Doula Week 2020✨✨⁣

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